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Adult Piano
Instructor: Devon Hansen

In-Person Classes:  Wednesdays  1:30pm - 2:30pm

Cost: $88.00/month

If you are curious and interested in learning how to play an instrument, this is the class for you. This beginning piano class for adults focuses on the basics of piano playing. Music should be stress-free and fun! Come learn piano with your friends in a safe and supportive environment with Laura on Tuesday afternoons. You will be introduced to the piano and receive support in developing proper technique and ensemble playing skills in a small group setting.

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Ukulele 101
Instructor: Martin Kling

In-Person Classes:  Saturday's  10:00am - 11:00am

Ages: 9-12

Cost: $264.00 for 12-week session (and includes a book!)

So you want to play Ukulele?? Here is your chance to come learn with your friends. You will learn the basics of music theory, how to hold the ukulele, pick and strum to some of your favourite songs. Ukulele not included.

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RCM Music History:  Part 1
Instructor: Devon Hansen

In-Person Classes:  Saturdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm 

Pre-requisites: Must be in at least RCM Grade  7

Cost: $88.00/month plus book

Set out on a musical journey from the beginning of Western Notation to its classical peak and beyond. Explore the music and musicians from four historical eras: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern. From Vivaldi to John Williams, you will learn the musical style and features of over fifteen compositions and composers, increasing your knowledge of the music from each era.

This course will prepare you for either the written RCM Level 9 History exam or the online one.

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Music Theory: Basic Rudiments
Instructor: Devon Hansen

In-Person Classes:  Saturdays 11:00am - 12:00pm 

Pre-requisites: Must be in at least RCM Grade 4

Cost: $88.00/month plus book

Whatever instrument you may be learning, music theory is something you will encounter. Learn the basic elements of music notation including pitch, rhythm, scales, intervals, triads, transposition, analysis, and musical terms.

This course will prepare you for either the written RCM Level 5 Theory exam.

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Music Theory: Intermediate Rudiments
Instructor: Devon Hansen

In-Person Classes:  Saturdays 12:00pm - 1:00pm 

Pre-requisites: Must have completed Basic Rudiments

Cost: $88.00/month plus book

A continuation of Basic Rudiments, including all key signatures, triads, and extended terminology. This class will take students to the next stage in their theory journey. 

This course will prepare you for either the written RCM Level 6 Theory exam.




Mon-Fri: 1pm-9pm

Sat: 9am-3pm


© 2025 by Chatham Music Academy


Tel: 226-996-5504

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